Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Danny's ninth e-mail

Well everyone, this is officially my last email during my stay at the MTC, not because I don't like to send emails, but because I'm heading out to Cambodia. I'm pretty much going to die. We spend about 16 and 1/2 hours in the air over the pacific. . . . it's like driving from Utah to California and half way back non stop, and there's no stopping for gas or a break. Well. . . .I'm not exactly sure what to write. But I did hear some information. I'll arrive in Cambodia on thursday their time and will spend the day with the mission president and then spend the night there, before getting my new companion and getting to work! I'm so excited!!!! So the next 40 hours or so of my life will be spent at the airport or on a plane.. . .the perfect way to start the proselyting. But anyways, have a great day, and I'll let you know what Cambodia is like as soon as I get there. :) -Love, Elder Ormsby

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