Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dan in Real Life

Well once again I"m blogging to those who have read the previous entries:
So here I am, me and my lappy. I've been thinking. . . specifically about what I should write, and honestly, I can think of absolutely nothing. So this blog will be about absolutely nothing. So I just watched the show Dan in Real Life, as you can probably guess from the title. It's one of my favorites! The movie makes you feel horrible throughout the story and then at the end it makes you so happy. I love it.
You know what, I really love playing apples to apples, catch phrase, and pit. Especially the way we played pit at Nate's house! Oh my gosh, I remember all the people there, tackling each other, trying desperately not to be the last person to grab the infamous bottom thumb, haha!
Oh and another thing, who do you guys think the greatest super hero is? I believe that it's either Batman or Superman. I'd say superman because he's got the ideal super powers and he's pretty awesome that way. On the other hand, Batman on the other hand reall isn't a super hero, he doesn't have super powers. But he kicks butt with his utility belt and has much more colorful villians. So let me know what you guys think!
Good morning, afternoon, or night, and good luck!


Katya said...

Oh my, I love that movie. Amanda bought me the soundtrack for Christmas, and it's one of my favorites.

Lyss said...

Okay i haven't seen Dan in Real life and i am dying because of it. I'll have to see it pretty soon or else i think i am going to die. :)
Oh and Batman is my favorite superhero. And superman is lame. Batman is totally cool and he is a real hero. totally love him. :) Spiderman is pretty cool and Wolverine (?) is hot. but batman wins.
OmGosh i love pit even though we played it that totally random way at Nates house...haha memories! dang it DAnny! anywho loves!

Jody Lynn said...

I think Alyssa is the greatest Superhero ever! Ha Ha. I need to see Dan in the real life. Alyssa, do you want to watch it with me? Oh and Danny, I give you permission to read my blog. Just click on the link from Alssa's blog or someone else's blog that says Jody Lynn or something like that. Where did Jody Lynn start anyway? I like it, but I just don't remember where it started. I think it's funny, because I'm only called Jody Lynn through email and blogs. Ha Ha Anyway...

Lyss said...

Haha! thanks jody! I had that day dedicated to me by my friends up here. I am so excited. So from now on all of us have to remember that March 11th is National Alyssa Day! :) But yeah lets totally watch Dan in Real Life together. Maybe when I come home for Danny's farewell :)
And i have no idea where Jody Lynn came from? I haven't really ever called you that, its more jod than anything else...im a lazy american. haha!
Danny you're awesome!

Ashley said...

hey i saw that movie with you!!!! remember how i was like dying the whole time :P haha loved it! anyways i would have to say neither batman nor superman are the greatest because cat woman is by far the best :D haha jk i dont really care for any superheros so uh... i guess i'll go with superman because nobody else voted for him and because i know it will make wes mad :D